Why Us?

Why do we think that our health service will help you?  Is it relevant and valuable to many young peoples health?
We believe that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and it is entirely your choice to decide if a certain method would help you.  Not everyone is the same, so we offer many alternatives to try and help combat this eating disorder.

Bulimia, or ‘Bulimia Nervosa’ (proper name) is an eating disorder that affects five in every hundred people in Australia’s population, but only one tenth are actually detected.

We believe that ‘Bulimia Be Gone’ is relevant and valuable to adolescents as bulimia is very unhealthy, can be stopped, and is caused by bad self-confidence.  With the media portraying thin and beautiful women, many teenagers believe that they are not fine the way they are and must go to extreme lengths to look like that, even though most of the time, the people are photoshoped, go on extreme diets or don’t eat for days!

  83% of people suffering from bulimia vomit, which is disgusting, but worse than that, not all the essential nutrients get absorbed into the body, leaving the person very unhealthy.  Everyone needs nutrients like iron (from meat) and protein from foods such as eggs and milk.  Without these people become very sick.  This is especially bad, since adolescence is when people most develop and this could ruin their lives as an adult and    cause other lifestyle conditions, such as osteoporosis.


Another 33% of bulimia patients abuse laxatives and 10% use diet pills, despite being thin already.  As we said before, the media portrays unrealistic and dangerous weight levels that people try to compete with.  It’s one of the reasons why this harmful disease is developed.  Another reason why people turn to bulimia is bullying about weight, regardless if they are still a healthy average weight, or even just slightly above that.
Body weight is a big issue for Aussie teens, but with problems such as bulimia come far worse problems.  Statistics show that there is a hight rate of bulimia sufferers with depression and quite a few have had at least one suicide attempt.  There is a mortality rate of 19% for bulimia sufferers, which can cut down to be less than 10% with help from either a help program or a little encouragement from family and friends.

There is still a lot of hope, 70% of people who went through treatment said that there was a significant improvement in their symptoms.